Sunday, April 27, 2008

One more day...

Nurse just's the update!

Estradiol - up to 693, still not quite as high as the doc would like. (He said that we need it to be at least in the 800's) Progesterone is at .69. Follicles: 1 (23mm), 2 (17mm), 1 (15mm), 1 (14mm), 1 (13mm), 1 (12mm) and then at least one more that is less than 12mm.

Doc wants me to take the Lupron, Follistim & Menopur for one more day...go in for u/s & b/w tomorrow morning and most likely the trigger shot will be tomorrow evening, making retrieval Thursday!

Thanks to you girls for the warning/advice on the Menopur're right, it stings!! Ouchy.

I'll update more tomorrow...

Love you all,


andrea_jennine said...

Looking good! I pray your retrieval goes well...

Anonymous said...

Im excited for you..wonder what song will be playing as you go in for retrieval??-nat