Tuesday, December 2, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

It's time for my 100th post giveaway!!

I had a blast putting this Christmas box together! I have so many favorites around this time of year...it was hard to stop adding things! Here's a list of what's in the box...just incase you were curious. :)

Miracle on 34th Street - my most favorite Christmas movie!
Disposable Guest Towels - I prefer these over guests using the same towel to dry their hands
Christmas Dish Towel for your kitchen - would be super cute monogrammed!
Christmas Tree Stationary - to write those Christmas thank you notes
Peppermint Hand Soap & Lotion for your guest bath - my favorite for this time of year!
White Chocolate covered Christmas Tree Pretzels - love to make these at Christmas
Disposable Christmas Coasters - I LOVE these and they are super cute!
Merry Christmas Ornament - would look cute hung in the center of a wreath
Sour Cherry Patches by Cherry Republic - one of their yummiest candies!
Tyler Candle in the scent of Mulled Cider - I love Tyler Candles and this is one of my favorite holiday scents
Merry Mugs - set of two for you to share a cup of your favorite coffee/cider with your sweetie!
Handmade Peppermint Stick - I love anything peppermint and these are quite good :)
WS Mulling Spices - simmer in your favorite apple cider...instant yumminess!
Starbucks Gift Card - since I can't send my favorite latte through the mail, you can go have one on me!

I'm so excited...this is my first giveaway and I've enjoyed it so much, it will definitely not be the last. I hope the winner enjoys these Christmas goodies as much as I do!

If you choose to post this giveaway on your blog, just let me know and you will be entered twice. You don't have to have a blog to enter, but please leave an email address for me to contact you at when you win.

*You can enter until 10pm - Friday, December 5th. I will post the winner on Saturday morning!*

Love to all,


Anonymous said...

sherri a. averitt

Charnè said...

wow the basket looks amazing and those goodies sound sooooo divine

twondra said...

This is so sweet of you! Love all the stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

how do I enter?? I want to enter
ng0804@yahoo.com. Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

the above entry was from your ole pal nat

becca said...

wow! what a giveaway!! Count me in, twice :) I'll put it on my blog today.

Kelly said...

Love your basket! Everything in it looks great. I also love the peppermint soap. I bought some for our kitchen and I find myslef washing my hands for no reason just so they will smell like peppermint.

Jen and Jared said...

Enter me!

Rhonda Rae said...

enter me ;)

Anonymous said...

Jill - have a Merry Christmas and Fantastic New Year. I love ya tons.

Enter me.


Anonymous said...

i sooooooo want to be entered!! :) love ya. aprilbivens@yahoo.com

maw82 said...

WOW Girl! You did a really good Job on the basket!! I would love to win it! I will ad it on my blog!!! Thanks Girl!

andrea_jennine said...

Ooh, count me in; great idea!

Jennifer said...

Count me in, found you from Becca's blog. My email is jennifer AT houseofjones DOT com. Thanks!

Mazzy said...

What a fun idea! And what great stuff!! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Great Basket, I love christmas. Thanks for the chance to enter.


I Believe in Miracles said...

We don't have to do anything to enter, but tell you? That's strange. You should at least make us tell a story or something - like our most embarrassing moment or favorite Christmas gift...

I'll put this on my blog today so you can count me twice. Miracle on 34th is my favorite Christmas movie too.


I Believe in Miracles said...

Oh - and thanks for the sweet comment and prayers. We must have the same brain wave if you followed along. ;o) I'm praying for you too!!

Alice said...

Count me in!!!

amy said...

Oooooo! FUN!! Add me to the drawing!! And... I'm posting it on my blog!

Anonymous said...

That basket looks awesome. Please enter me.

Dora said...

What a cool and sweet thing to do.


Rathi said...

How fun!! Count me in too. The basket turned out sooo pretty!! My email is rnair1800@yahoo.com.
Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Count me in baby! Oh and expect a wonderful phone call later tonight from an AWESOME choir! Happy Birthday!! Love you!

Nichole said...

This is so cool! I'll join. What the heck!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to enter. I'll link to you on my blog too. :o)

Hope2morrow said...

Wow! What a beautiful basket, girl! You are so lovely. I would love to be entered in your drawing and will put a post on my blog about it too! Thanks for doing this and happy 100th! Congrats!

Heather Bug said...

Fun to find your blog! What a GREAT basket!!! My e-mail address is lhlane525@aol.com. Have a great day!

Michelle said...

Great blog! I am so glad Alicia sent me the link! I would love to win the basket!

annalee said...

WOW! what a festively wonderful giveaway. i love all of your favorite things. MERRY early CHRISTMAS to you!

Confessions of a momaholic said...

Wow! you are super crafty!!! I will also be putting this on my blog for others to stop by too!


Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I think I will do something like this w/ our ladies group at church. Thanks for the idea!!

Kristen said...

Wow what a fun basket! Enter me and I will post on my blog too! i need to do a new post today or tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you~

Shannon said...

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! What a giveaway!! That is awesome! Pick me, pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun and generous basket of goodies! I'm in!
(I clicked over here from Amy's blog...just read your story a bit, and I will be adding you and you husband to my prayers!)

Unknown said...

How fun and exciting! I love it! arriellugar@yahoo.com

Tiffany said...

What a fun giveaway!!!

Brittney Flowers Photography said...

I would LOVE to win! Please enter me in the drawing! brittneyflowers06@yahoo.com


melissa said...

Wow what a great gift!! This is a very sweet thing to do.

Merry Christmas!

Mary Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary-Lee said...


Jim and April said...

sign me up! Its a beautiful giveaway...how nice of you! email is aprilcstarkey@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I think some of your favorite things are my favortie things too.


JJ said...

What a lovely thing to do! And happy 100!

Michele said...

Love the basket! I'll enter but since I'm overseas, I'll give you a local gal's contact name to send it to should I win :)

cjsmomx6 said...

What a great idea and very gracious.
I would love to win it.
God bless you in your baby endeavors :)

Eric and Emily said...

Wow, what a ton of comments you have! And what a super awesome basket you made! I too love to do baskets like that filled with things, it's just as much fun to shop for it all!
I wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog, we are SO excited and I have been feeling really great, no sickness. I like to think I payed my dues feeling sick on the meds the last year and a half. I am still praying for your time to be really soon! I have no doubt I will be sending congratulations to you!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome act of kindness during the holiday. May God bless you with a baby soon! Please enter me in your giveaway... alexsmom1015@aol.com I will also post this to my blog at www.thegarrettgang.blogspot.com
Merry Christmas!!! Have a Blessed New Year!

Jamie said...

Cute basket! You're so sweet. Ok, well I'll add it to my blog, so count me twice. Merry Christmas!


Jamie said...

I forgot to tell you.. Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Your basket looks awesome! I'd love to be entered.

A said...

What a great idea! So many cute things! Congrats on 100 posts!I just wrote my first :-)I love reading your blog and will be praying for you on your baby journey.

Cheryl said...

So many Christmas goodies! Love those Tyler candles! And the disposable bathroom towels are a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Wow that basket is wonderful

Anonymous said...

Jill, you are the most "un-grinchiest" gal I know. What a lovely idea to do a Christmas give-away! Your blog is always a treat to read. Happy 100th post.
Kellie in Osceola

Joannah said...

Wow! That's a great giveaway! You put a lot into that. Looks like you have many interested readers, too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday today!! I left you a note on yesterday to make sure I win and if you do not understand or know how to do that call me and I will explain it to you:) MIL

Faith said...

That giveaway is out of control -- too cute! I love that you put so much of yourself into it. Will be posting it on my blog, too. Happy birthday!

Martha said...

Merry Christmas and pick me

Faith said...

Jill, what a FABULOUS giveaway!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win ;-)

I'm hoping to post about your giveaway too...I'll leave another comment if I get to.

Such a great idea! Thanks girl!!

Anonymous said...


Monte and Missy said...

WOW...that's a fabulous way to celebrate a 100th Post! Definitely enter me - doesn't everyone LOVE a gift that has sooo many goodies. I've already posted your giveaway on our blog. I'm interested to see if anyone we know enters too! Thanks for your generous and thoughtful heart...you're sooo creative!

Anonymous said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to do. I got your blog address from April B. and I love reading it. You have such an awesome family. Merry Christmas. Love, Carla (April B.'s aunt)
Arlington, TX

sara said...

What a awesome idea! I hope you're doing well and enjoying the holidays so far. Sorry I've been the absent blogger - I hope you're doing good and I'm sending a big hug your way!

Leslie Laine said...

Happy Birthday, Jill. You are absolutely amazing!

Anonymous said...

Fun! Thanks for the opportunity to enter :) Tiffany tiffanyn4@yahoo.com

KE II said...

Jill, what a kind and generous heart God has given you... the basket looks amazing, think i'm going to copy your white chocolate covered pretzel idea, sounds super yum!!

ihchicky said...

What a wonderful gift basket. I'd especially love to have Miracle on 34th Street. Thanks for the chance.

Rene said...

Awesome basket- how cool! Congrats on your 100th post and Happy Birthday :)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I LOVE all of your favorite things! And disposable guest towels are a great idea! Please enter me in the giveaway. (:

Anonymous said...

This is too cool to be true! But it is! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Count me in I love all the stuff you placed in the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance!


Melody said...

Lovely giveaway! You're so generous! I'll make sure i'll share all of them withe the family if i win..

Thanks for the giveaway!


Melody said...

I've blogged about your cool giveaway at my blog:


Congrats again on 100th posts! Im not even close..

Have a great day!


Francine said...

wow I love that basket.. please count me in on this...

Kristin said...

I heard about your giveaway on Faith's blog.

What a great basket!!

Melissa Jo said...

Oh What a fun gift! Hope you and all your family have a wonderful Christmas...Thanks for sharing your blog! Love it!

Sarah said...

Congrats on your 100th post! That basket is too cute. Someone will be very lucky! I'm posting it on my blog today!

Anonymous said...

count me in twice~I'll post in my blog today. Found you on Becca's blog:)
xanga.com/jensoup or j_supple@yahoo.com

Rebecca Jo said...

What an incredible give away. I saw this on Faith's blog...


Faith said...

Hey Jill, I posted on my blog about your awesome giveaway!!

Jenna said...

What a COOL idea for a giveaway! Love it and love all of your favorite things!! You are my kinda girl. :-)

petrii said...

What a sweet idea!!! I came over from Faith's blog. Thanks for doing this give away.

Have a Blessed day,

Hudson & Maddox said...

I have been keeping up with your blog through Kristen's. I'm praying for your family that God will bless you with.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Enter me, the basket looks wonderful!!

Evergreen said...

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Never hurts to enter, right? The basket looks great! My email is cjbaka@sbcglobal.net

Mrs Anne said...

.... these are a few of my favorite things...

Fabulous giveaway!!! So cute!

Kristi said...

WOW!!! What a generous and thoughful idea!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll bite. :) Congrats on your 100th post! What a great way to celebrate!!

Jennifer said...

Great way to celebrate!!

Michelle said...

What a terrific ideal! Alicia sent me an invitation to your give away. She and I have know each other since we were little. Our mothers use to be best friends. I hope you and Alex get pregnant soon. I will keep the both of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please tell Alex I said hello. He might remember me by my maiden name, Michelle Ross.
Take care!

Michelle said...

Sorry... my email address is mlsmith0309@yahoo.com

Thanks again,
Michelle Ross Smith

HB said...

What a fun giveaway! Hope your burn is healing well. hebertram@gmail.com

Valeta said...

What a festive give away.

Congrats on 100 posts.


MiMi said...

Hi Jill! I am Faith's mom and I read about your giveaway on her blog. What a great basket you have put together with a lot of favorite things for Christmas! What a sweet and thoughtful thing for you to do!

My email address is: mimismemoriesblog at gmail dot com.

Thanks so much!

Paula said...

Oh man, I barely made it in the nick of time. YES, please enter me. Lots of neat things in that basket.
Sorry, I missed your birthday. The sister to sister visits are my favorite too.

Casey said...

I'll post it on my blog too! Lot's of good goodies in that basket!!


Meredith said...

Hi Jill! I came over from Faith's blog and had to "register" myself for this awesome Christmas goodie basket! I will continue to visit your blog! Have a great day!

Kriss said...

Love your blog!!! krissriley@sbcglobal.net
Putting the link at my blog!

Anonymous said...

The basket sounds wonderful. You have made it all sound GREAT.

Nonnie Moose said...

A basket full of goodies. Awesome :)

kellygreent at sbcglobal dot net

Blessed Be Off the Grid said...

I'm entering!!! I found you through a friend's blog & I'm putting your giveaway on mine, too:-) info@blueroseholistics.com

Becky said...

WOW! What a wonderful giveaway!! Congrats on you 100th post. I just celebrated my 100th post last week!!

Heather said...

What an awesome giveaway! I love your favorite things! I came over from Faith's blog....thanks for sharing some Christmas cheer!

Christy said...

WOW! That basket looks incredible - I would LOVE to win it! I'll post it on my blog, too!

Angela said...

What a thoughtful, fun gift. I love how much effort you put into it.

Jennifer said...

Great looking basket!!

Malina said...

God Bless You!
Infertility can be the best thing for a relationship or the worst.
Stay strong.
Know that you are not alone! We're going on 6 years and doing IVF in January.


I will link this to my blog if I can figure out how to do it!

My Life (Family of Seven)... said...


Anonymous said...

Great favorite things!

Lisa from VA

Christi said...

Enter me. How thoughtful of you. I hope that the New Year brings a new addition to Alex and your family.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful basket! I would love to be entered, thank you!
ryanhannah@cebridge.net :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome basket!
Happy 100!

Cresent Moon said...

Beautiful basket! What a fun and thoughtful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! Congrats on your 100th post! I'm just getting started in bloggy world..hope to get there one day!

Amber & Jackson Grolmus said...

Thank your for the chance! Great idea. Happy Holidays!

Amber Grolmus

Amy W said...

What a wonderful idea! Awesome basket!!!

Catrisha T said...

Awesome basket, and CONGRATS on your 100th entry. I'm also linking this to my blog as well. Here's my email: catrisha_tittle@yahoo.com

Wishing 4 One said...

Jill, didn't I always say you are waaaay too sweet! I know I am too late to enter but just wanted to say how sweet and lovely you are girl! Thanks for your good wishes and I know you always pray for us too. Thinking of you...xoxoxox

Anonymous said...
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